2009年10月26日 星期一

2009 A/W Fashion Trend

Here are my conclusion of fashion key point for this coming winter after watching millions of runway shows and going through some highly recommended magazines..

You will see lots of Velvet dresses coming up with drape design which gives a sence of elegance yet romentic appearance. The cutting design stays in minimalism so that silky and velvet dress easily shows the shape, also the main color remain a few classic such as black, light gray and ivory. Take a look to your boyfriend and grandmather`s closet for inspiration, this winter is all about role-playing, whether you desire to be more gentleman look or back to 80`s and 90`s movie scene, this is your apportunity to dress like you are on the way to an actress casting. I suggest to put 80`s glossy tops and killing-tight leather pants for after-hour evening dress, dont forget you can also choose one-shouldered dress and thigh-high/over-the-knee boots or wear ripped tight/stockings in the party to make the fashionista statement., In the day time at work, the hero blouse or fierce shoulder short jacket upgrade your professional level immediately. For leisure time in the countryside, try nomad over-sized sweater mix with aboriginal/animal print scarf and step into a pair of military boots. The see-through kind of clothing are the best excuse to attend a hot date as sexy as unpretencious as a on-stage show girl. Finally, for afternoon coffee time and when you are making shopping parade with your crew, a cape or caplets on your shoulder is the train taking you apart from ordinary.

經過一段漫長看不到盡頭的研究觀察後 小編摩卡總算是規納出幾個 秋冬流行重點:

首先你應該已經注意到展示在各大百貨及潮流夜市路邊攤上的供品中 除了千島格豹紋印花不時的閃過你眼簾 本季最容易注意到的是大街小巷都在販售的破損內搭褲皮革內搭褲 所以不難猜出本季的流行故事與八零年代的搖滾舞台相連 大量的亮片巧妙的裝飾在短洋裝上顯的俏麗又狂野 斜肩上衣透明材質的布料不經意帶出若隱若現的性感 要記得短裙長袖的短洋裝是你身為時尚達人的免死金牌 帥氣的皮革短外套過膝的長筒靴是本季另一個流行指標的代表性單品 向經典電影取經的斗篷式外套早已從上個冬天燃燒到現在 帶點軍裝風格的外套也不容忽略

在搭配上建議以長袖合身短洋裝搭配踝靴讓腿部線條硬是拉長 些許浪漫的蝴蝶袖襯衫和高腰窄裙襯托出高雅的女人味 不要害怕有墊肩的西裝外套 只要謹慎選出腰部線條明顯的合身款 再利用黑色多層次穿法從緊身褲到長板上衣和短西裝外套的俐落搭配 你會意外自己的專業形象大大加分 甜美的碎花洋裝套上皮革外套正好製造出剛柔並存的衝突美感 斗篷外套或加大尺寸的針織毛衣配上過膝長筒靴 一腳踹走平凡素人裝扮

