2009年10月22日 星期四

introduction of the editor 小編的自我介紹

Hello everyone, I start writing blog simply because all my friends are persuading me to do it in order to open a space for every beloved Taiwanese girls who can find their daily dress easily, fill up their seasonal closet without spending over the budget, receive updated fashion news and be the first row to experience runway shows. Sensitively, we know you work as hard as an indepentent business men, while you run out of time for relaxing bath and decent meal or even quality sleep, how could fashion demands you to apear stylish and fabulous? now we offer daily wear suggestion, fashion trend report, good-buying shop recommendation and special DIY tips revelation. Smartly dress-up yourself and let fashion power influences yourself and you will be amazed how people surround you change their image of you. Fashion is not just about beautiful clothes but also a tool to built your personal statement, whether you need to look like a successful business woman or elegant trendy lady, be aware of what you wear can make all these possible.

瞜! 我在朋友的慫恿下開始寫有關於時尚的部落格 希望在這裡和大家分享各式的時尚話題 你們將會在我的部落格中發現很多除了時尚知識還有最新的時裝周訊息


*每日搭配指南~包含單品必備實搭款 還有重複穿搭小技巧
*流行趨勢分析~新鮮報料 挑出當季最關鍵的流行重點
*最愛商店推薦~經由我的仔細評估 調查出讓你省荷包又滿面子的優質店家
*DIY秘訣大公開~不定時選出名家設計的飾品包包和配件 教你輕鬆手做出屬於你的獨家商品

每周更新的主題報導 不定時的最新資訊 無論是網站推薦或是時裝秀現場看訪 都在這裡和各位大公無私的公開分享喔!

