2009年10月28日 星期三

not only high at heels but the length! we love~ "OVER-KNEE BOOTS"

We have seen thigh-high boots for last couple years, but not any year wearing them can be that hot than this fall..

Except classic sexy leather tight boots, this year there are certainly more choices such as fabric with bootlace or flat with tassels, try to use your imagination and put the key element on your old out-of-fashion boots, stitch a feather headband or to stick on some glossy plastic dismonds would make your boots one-of-a-kind.

別急著把過去買的過膝長筒靴拿出來套上 檢查一下小腿到膝蓋及大腿之間的寬度是否還維持在一樣的包腳程度 還有在顏色上盡量選擇以黑色為主 材質上則可以有多樣變化 像是把布料或

本季的靴子在造型設計上非常天馬行空 建議您不彷自己動手DIY讓過氣的靴子起死回生喔! 在靴子最頂端也就是大腿的位子縫上一片鑲有羽毛的髮帶 或是在靴頭和靴身的地方黏上水鑽或亮片 巧妙的利用一些流行元素 馬上擁有獨一無二的造型靴的同時還可以大省荷包喔!

Celebrity shows how they love thigh-high boots in reality.

Take a look at runway fashion show, they doesnt just match your biker leather jacket but also feminine outfit like velvet dresses and chiffon corset.

